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You may be asking, what is a jackalope? Very few people are lucky enough to have seen one after all. A jackalope is like a large rabbit, with reddish brown fur, dark eyes, and a little nose that twitches as they sniff the air. There is however one huge difference. On top of their heads just in front of their tall ears, jackalopes have antlers, like a deer or an antelope.
Antlers are the problem for our jackalope, they have grown while he was sleeping and now, he cannot get out of his burrow. Can a clever little squirrel help him? Can beavers build burrow doors? And the most important question of them all, is there still cake left in the cake tin?
ISBN : 978-1-78796-029-9
Published: 30/01/2025
Pages : 56
Size : 156x156
Imprint : Bumblebee Books
Patrick Disney-Odey lives in Surrey, England with his wife and Dolly, a chocolate labradoodle. Patrick has spent most of his career writing and producing websites primarily for travel companies and it was whilst travelling in Arizona that the idea for this story came to him. A hotel room in Sedona had a painting of a rabbit with antlers which led to a lot of internet searches about Jackalopes. The ?rst chapter started to come together one afternoon whilst visiting Burgh Island, where Agatha Christie wrote some of her most famous novels. This is Patrick Disney-Odey's ?rst story for children, and there are many more adventures for Hawthorne and Oaktree hopping around, waiting to be written.