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The Bookstore is a captivating and intriguing story of Titus, a radioactive dwarf elephant, his daughter and her best friend. All three have particular powers. They leave a war torn country to seek a more peaceful environment; they relocate to a New Zealand island and build a magical bookstore. The books allow any reader to be literally ‘in' the book and on those unique adventures. Find out the interesting backstory of how this bookstore came to be and experience hilarious incidents.
ISBN : 978-1-80439-687-2
Published: 28/03/2024
Pages : 326
Size : 234x156
Imprint : Olympia Publishers
Zachary Maxwell has degrees in nothing in particular but did achieve his PhD in the Lethargic Sciences from the renowned and accredited University of Futility. He happily resides in the attic of his mother's dilapidated home and frequently contemplates solutions to the dense insanity surrounding this Universe.