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When Uncle Kevin (Please, just call me Kevie!) arrives out of the blue to visit his nephew and his wife Anne, he brings with him both disruption and fun. Kevie is a wonderful storyteller with a travelling spirit and a rich history.
In this semi-biographical novel, Lord Christopher traces the history of his happy-go-lucky Uncle Kevin and delineates it against the backdrop of the history and zeitgeist of Australia at the time.
Kevie has an interesting approach to and philosophy about life, and so far it has served him well. But life can be sad and difficult, which occurrences are sensitively and faithfully documented by his nephew, the author.
ISBN : 978-1-80074-473-8
Published: 29/09/2022
Pages : 234
Size : 205x140
Imprint : Olympia Publishers
I have been writing engineering technical books for some forty years now. In such types of books, one is not permitted to include emotional words. I told myself that it is high time I started letting my emotions run wild through the writing of satirical-type publications.