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In a world consumed by darkness, Free Are the Wicked by J. S. Andersen unveils a captivating tale of a lone individual caught in the crossfire of societal turmoil. Set in a small hamlet where unemployment and uncertainty loom, our protagonist finds solace in the companionship of a desolate road. In a society that blames the Sages, those born with extraordinary abilities, for all its woes, our hero confronts the truth behind the Church's propaganda and unravels the mysteries surrounding the Sages' true nature. With each step, they embark on a journey that challenges their beliefs, unveils the secrets of a forgotten era, and ultimately leads to a sacrifice that could change the course of their world forever. In this novel, readers are transported to a world where wickedness knows no bounds. With atmospheric storytelling and compelling character development, Free Are the Wicked delves into the complexities of human nature and explores the blurred lines between good and evil. Prepare to be captivated by this dark and enthralling journey that challenges conventional notions of morality.
ISBN : 978-1-83543-127-6
Published: 26/09/2024
Pages : 234
Size : 205x140
Imprint : Olympia Publishers
J. S. Andersen was born into a family of artists in New Mexico, USA, whose creativity rubbed off on them since a young age. Being diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, their mind never stopped racing or creating worlds. After many long years, the decision was made to channel that energy into creating the world of Sura for their debut book, Free Are the Wicked, in the hopes of highlighting the importance and dangers of societal ostracism, and that everyone deserves a chance, regardless of who they are.