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This is the story of Shirina, a moderate Shi'ite Muslim, born in Iran and now living in Mosul, Iraq. The novel opens with an occurrence that was becoming all too commonplace not only in Iraq but throughout the diaspora. Suicide bombings. The devastation and desolation from them are immense, bloody, and terrifyingly real. The hatred and gross anger and frustration shown by Shirina towards everyone who has caused this callous butchery, particularly the USA, is blatantly apparent and crystal clear in the absorbing narrative.
Shirina had been a happy (only) child, with a good, loving, and normal upbringing by parents who were very well-natured, hearty, and loving, caring, spiritually rich, and well-intentioned people.
After her graduation into the legal profession, she was lucky enough to be offered a quality job at a family-run law firm in Baghdad. She undertook the journey to her new life on her own. A journey fraught, at times, with difficulty, adversity, and problems.
Her initial experience upon arrival at her family's home in Baghdad was an intense firefight, and then bombings, and the necessity to hide out of harm's way in the cellar of the family home.
Shirina meets an unlikely friend in the ruins of her country who transforms her life.
Who is this friend?
The novel paints a scarily, realistic picture of the lives of people living with the war in Baghdad, Iraq, and indeed throughout the war-ravaged, war-infested Middle East.
Do Iraq and the Iraqi people have a future?
Does Iraq have a sound and peaceful future? Or indeed any future at all?
And what does the future hold for the rest of the Middle East?
Will there ever be any peace in this part of the world?
ISBN : 978-1-78830-804-5
Published: 25/01/2024
Pages : 405
Size : 205x140
Imprint : Olympia Publishers
I worked for the best part of twenty-five years in the Government. I led a boring, mundane London commuter life. I rebelled against authority and resigned. I had always loved to read and to write from an early age. My dream was to become a writer. My dream came true. My dream was realised, yes at a price, but the marvellous thing was that I found myself through all of this. And through all this I found my true vocation. I write simply with great great passion and love for humanity.