Having spent an ordinary life with their parents in a small house, twins, Fadin and Tase, together with their elder brother Clearie, suddenly find themselves catapulted into quite a different life when their father is killed in a car accident and they are forced to move with their mother into their Aunt's mysterious Irish castle surrounded by dangerous woods.
They find themselves involved in baffling situations which only goblins and magic can explain and only their inquisitiveness and daring finally uncovers answers to some of the many questions they puzzle over.
But the reader is left fully immersed in the strange world around the castle and longing to know about the many things that still have to be explained - in the next book?
ISBN : 9781848971523
Published: 23/09/2011
Pages : 347
Size : 205x140mm
Imprint : Olympia Publishers
Meadow Griffin's love for all things fantastical, and large imagination have moved her to write her debut novel, Legends of Erin: Beyond the Castle Door. She was homeschooled her whole life along with her two younger brothers, (the inspiration for Fadin and Tase) and currently lives in California with her family.
Legends of Erin: Towards the Restless Winds, the follow-up to her debut novel, was released in 2013.