Martha, a British pensioner, is targeted by the North American Mafia, who have teamed up with Al-Qaide to plan a covert war on Western countries, using secret electromagnetic technologies. Martha learns how to turn the tables on the perpetrators, and later discovers how the secret technologies can be used as a force for good, with the potential to solve many world problems. On her journey, Martha meets people from NATO military intelligence services, top secret prison services and some very advanced space scientists. Nothing is off limits, including visits to the Moon, Mars and other planets where life forms already exist.
Martha's quest, which includes many unexpectedly lighter moments, ends up closer to home, where she is involved in a covert war on Europe, and seeks to enlist the help of the US military in highlighting the plight of victims of targeting in North America.
ISBN : 978-1-78830-380-4
Published: 25/07/2019
Pages : 300
Size : 205x140mm
Imprint : Olympia Publishers
Martha Twine was born in London in 1948. She moved to Surrey in 1956. Educated at Guildford County School, she worked for over forty years in the public sector, mainly in London and the North East, during which time she gained an accountancy qualification and worked in finance. She is now retired and lives in Haslemere, where she enjoys gardening and singing in local choirs.