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How Daisy Became the Luckiest Girl in the World is portrayed around a rivalrous Floridian girl named Daisy, who attends Joseph Edward Elementary School. As a birthday gift, Daisy's older sister gave her the family's magical spell that has been passed down through the generations.
No matter what the situation is, Daisy has the magic sauce for success. With the spell induced lucky charms, Daisy earns good grades on her class assignments, outperforms her classmates in the school races, and luckily, she gets to be the line leader on the way to the cafeteria. The family's secret hex has made Daisy the luckiest girl in the world and has changed her life forever!
ISBN : 978-1-83934-075-8
Published: 30/09/2021
Pages : 43
Size : 156x234
Imprint : Olympia Publishers
Suebrenia Calhoun, a.k.a. Sue, was born and raised in Laurel, Mississippi. At the age of eight years old, Sue's Christmas list consisted of a desk and typewriter. Regardless of her never-ending struggles, Sue's mother financed a walnut wooden desk and a manual typewriter. Purpose was inevitable. Writing and working with this generation are the chromosomal makeup in this author's DNA. Suebrenia has a master's degree in higher education and is an instructor at a college in Florida. Sue's hobbies are vacationing, laughing, shopping and her latest attempted endeavor, snorkeling. Suebrenia's mantra: Words have the power to change you and the world.