Many bookish folks, beauty bloggers and fashion and lifestyle gurus have been making a commitment to a 3 month no buy. What is this 3 month no buy you ask?

Rules are:

1)  No clothes, beauty products, unnecessary purchases. 


2) You only buy replacements what you use and need. E.g. deodorant, a new book once you've finished a book (so long as you donate a book to charity to bring down waste). 


3) You can buy food and stuff, is what we mean. We’re not THAT cruel.


4) Charity shops are allowed and digital purchases. As e-book/audiobooks hold no physical space, they’re fine to buy. Charity shops are also allowed, but the rule is to donate one thing for every one thing bought. 


The idea is to cut down on: unnecessary waste, save money, doesn’t support fast fashion/beauty, allows you to appreciate what you already have, get more use out of clothes and makeup and books you already own.



Do you think you could do it?



All of our books have an e-book format and we have a small, growing collection of audiobooks. If you’re trying to do better with wastage, pop us over an email and we’ll give the first 10 people a free audiobook on us!