We’re just about to release The Jasmine Flowers by Lindsay Harrison.


Lucy, a disillusioned divorcee, takes a holiday to Tunisia and is captivated by the country. By a chance meeting with Farid, a teenage boy, both their lives are changed forever. She returns to England and remarries but her marriage ends in tragedy. A tarot reader tells her she must follow her dream but it will be fraught with sadness and danger. She finds Farid again but in an unexpected twist of fate, plagued with guilt and despair, Lucy runs away. She goes back to Tunisia but after hearing the lies of Debbie, a young woman who wants Farid for herself, Lucy believes she has lost him forever and returns to England. Their lives follow different paths, but they never forget each other. Years later, when they meet again, they risk being torn apart once more by an evil man hell bent on revenge. This is a story of two lives, together and apart and of love, prejudice, intrigue and terror.



While it’s not a book about jasmine flowers or tea. The cover adorns some beautiful jasmine flowers to suit the title, so we felt inspired to look into their properties, being big tea fans ourself! If you’re interested read on!


 Jasmine tea is pretty much green tea or sometimes white or black tea scented with aroma from jasmine blossoms, its very sweet and very fragrant. You can buy jasmine pearl tea, which is green tea rolled into pearls then engulfed in Jasmine flowers.


The actual health benefits of jasmine tea have been amazing. These include a reduced risk of a heart attack, reduced risk of cancer and lowers cholesterol.


Jasmine tea has a lot of antioxidants which helps the metabolism. A better metabolism means exercise will be more effective and you'll be able to process nutrients a lot faster! The weight is not going to drop off you drinking the tea alone, but drinking it alongside can be fantastic.



As we said, jasmine tea is packed full of antioxidants. This mostly comes from the green tea base, black tea is high in theaflavins, green tea has the catechins that most the antioxidants are found in. Antioxidants are fantastic at finding and preventing serious or not-so-serious diseases in the body.


Research suggests that cups of jasmine tea can aid in preventing cancer. Almost all green teas that have the base of jasmine tea have been shown to have cancer preventive properties due to Polyphenols. It’s also been shown to inhibit the overexpression of dangerous enzymes which are found in cancerous tumours and cells.


Jasmine tea can be a great start to your day due to it's caffeine content. It's much lower than coffee, but it's higher than your average cup of British tea.


It's also been proved that Jasmine tea is very good for heart health. All the properties on jasmine tea contribute to cardiovascular health by minimising or eliminating inflammation in blood vessel walls.




Get your copy of The Jasmine Flowers, here!