Just a few months ago we released the wonderful Scottie on the Space Station by Kaela C Green and Shannon E Green. Since the release, Scottie has gone onto have some wonderful reviews – so far twenty-eight, five-star reviews on Amazon. 



Here are just a few of the quotes:


Finally a children's book that skillfully teaches how to interact and effectively communicates with someone who might look, act, or speak differently than the reader”


“Can't recommend this sweet story enough - bought a copy for all the kiddos in my life. You should too”


“This is a wonderfully written and illustrated children's book for special needs teachers and parents who want to educate their children. I purchased additional copies to give as gifts for family and friends who have kids”




Kaela also discussed the inspiration behind Scottie on the Space Station and gave a reading of her book virtually in partnership with @onceuponatimebkstore last month on the 12th of September.


Also, @skylightbooks invited Kaela on her SKYLIT podcast about Scottie on the Space Station and inclusion of people with disabilities. The podcast went live on the 16th of October! See the full version, here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CGaeJi8puq2/




Here’s a little information about the book and where it can be purchased:


Ellie and her family love living on the space station! With a mother who is an intergalactic doctor and a father who studies the stars, Ellie's life on the station is a blast. They can do anything you can do on Earth... except they can do it with alien visitors in zero gravity. Sometimes the aliens don't know how to play or talk with Ellie's little brother, Scottie, because he is a person with disabilities. But this doesn't stop Ellie from introducing them and showing them that Scottie is a great friend! Come join Ellie and Scottie as they meet a young alien who has just arrived on the station...



Follow Kaela for further updates: https://www.instagram.com/writingforinclusion/


Our website: https://olympiapublishers.com/books/scottie-on-the-space-station


Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Scottie-Space-Station-Kaela-Green/dp/1788307550


Skylight: https://www.skylightbooks.com/book/9781788307550