It’s Halloween!
For all of those who celebrate, you will probably have everything already ready! But for those who have left it super late on the pumpkin carving front, here are five ideas to get you going!
For a super quick idea, we like this one,
Using a drill or maybe a screwdriver(?) pierce lots of holes in a pattern on the pumpkin. This is simple and quite a lovely finish.
We like this cheeky chappy, with a big grin!
Or how about this naughty pumpkin who has been put in a pumpkin jail. This one probably requires a bit more effort. We are a bit puzzled as to how this person managed it but props to them! He does look a very sorry little pumpkin face!
How about this for a different look, painted white and with a little owl face. Lovely!
(I think this one is my favourite!)
and last but not least the sick pumpkin. Fun and it looks great but it’s a nightmare to clean up (that is from personal experience!) Maybe pop it on some newspaper!
Happy pumpkin carving!