Hear those sleigh bells yet? Have the decorations found their way out of the garage and into your living room? Surely you must have watched a Christmas film by now!


Don’t worry! We’ve still got a full-month until Santa shows up on your front door, plenty of time to continue not doing your Christmas shopping – although consider this your first warning. How about we help you out and offer you five books which could make perfect stocking-fillers?


This November Publication Day – the last of 2024 – we have a final collection of new fact and fiction titles. These five picks are not to be missed…




My Man in Manilla by Ammophila Arenaria


Gear up to read a fresh perspective on finding love in contemporary time, where technology is advanced, people are progressive, and communication is seamless. Will all these advancements be able to help the writer to find love?


After a long and fulfilled life, author Ammophila Arenaria’s existence is thrown off-balance as a twelve-year relationship is abruptly ended. A man she cherished left, his leaving came to her out of the blue.


A self-described young-old woman, with a deep desire to ask questions and find answers, Arenaria uses this book to investigate a precious love that she does not want to live without.


Available in paperback.




Doomed Planet Metropolis by Elias Hechtler


Mars offers the potential for man to one day chart space and travel across the universe. Technology had changed the potential of man, but Mars seemed to be built off the strength of its workers.


In the vein of the science-fiction realism of Andy Weir, Elias Hechtler looks to our red neighbour and crafts an industrial story which may foretell the future of humanity.


Ditreickt is the sole-surviving worker for the planet, who fights hard to change the once sprawling mining industry into a colony on the outskirts of the galaxy. Despite being set on a distant world, Doomed Planet Metropolis grounds itself with an introspection into workplace politics and workers’ rights.


Available in paperback.




Return of Anka by Melodi Bac


Living on Earth, Carmen has no idea she carries the soul of mighty Phoenix's son, Anka. Legend has it, the Phoenix bird was born on the planet Crictus. In a world she has never been before, Carmen is up against her evil brother Inca, the last soul hunter who can kill her indefinitely, and their loyal followers.


A centuries old war still rages, unbeknownst to Carmen, for the throne of Crictus.  The former Queen had two sons: Anka and Inca, whose mortal bodies have long since faded, but their immortal souls have endured.


Carmen soon finds herself, in a cruel twist of fate, the figure of a global uprising on a faraway planet, as well as being the target of opposition from her evil (and until recently, unknown) twin.


Available in paperback.




Zari Kingston – The Journey by S. N. Peacock


What special abilities was she born with? And what special abilities did this accident give her and why is evil out to get her?


Zari Kingston is a special girl, born with special abilities. Although it wasn’t until one fateful day, when an accident would change Zari and her family’s life forever, and force Zari to use her special powers to protect her loved ones.


This YA adventure tells the story of a young girl, plagued by an evil, and training to fight back – a powerful and adventurous tale for any young readers.


Available in paperback.




Kehlani the Koala: A Koala’s Journey to Self Discovery by Emily O’Brien


“Kehlani longed to feel happy, and she longed to feel good. She longed to feel how wild koalas should.” Join Kehlani, a loveable koala who goes on a journey to discover happiness.


Combining Emily O’Brien’s words with Mandeep Flora’s illustrations, Kehlani the Koala is an empowering and emotional read, encouraging readers to find happiness in each beautiful and colourful corner of our magnificent world.


We all need someone else to help us see new things in a new light, with help coming to Kehlani from a note left by a loveable stocky, hairy-nosed wombat. What will Kehlani uncover about herself – and what will you learn about your own life?


Available in paperback.




Make sure to check out all our ‘Coming Soon’ titles on our website now!


Happy Reading!