Many of us are in self-isolation – meaning a lot more time in the house. This can leave us running out of ideas for entertainment – naturally, reading is our suggestion as it can fill so much time with a positive activity. A good idea is to set aside time for reading as a family, here are some of our suggestions!



Reading with your children



Before they go to bed, make sure you spare 15-30 minutes with your children to read them one of their favourite stories.



Get in some reading time after dinner



Winding down after work or your day usually begins after you’re eaten dinner. Get comfy, pour a glass of wine or make a cup of tea and get some reading in.



Fill your day with your favourite genres of books



If you’re unable to work from home, spend some time of the day reading by the window or outside in your garden if you have one.



Wake up with a few pages



Once you’re awake, perhaps read a few pages. Not only does it stimulate your mind, but it can also leave you in a good mood for the rest of the day!




So, there are some of our suggestions, if you have any others, please let us know!