Recently a trend has been surfing the web - finding your routes. And most importantly the routes of your family history. There are new tests that can tell you exactly how much of you is English, African, Danish or Australian. It’s extremely interesting and got us thinking about our own family history. Shows such as ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ have become very popular with celebrities where we watch them go through their family tree and look back at the lives of their ancestors. But one of our very own authors did exactly that herself.
Mary Brigg’s new book explores the life of her long forgotten Aunt Adelaide, looking back at her life and the hardships she suffered. She tracked her aunt’s neglected grave in the famous Highgate Cemetery and since then has deeply researched her life. From her happy childhood, to the great loss she experienced when she was older.
It’s inspiring and hugely interesting, and did make us want to look back to our own lost family.
This is Mary Brigg’s second book, her first being ‘The Surgeon and the Climbing Boy’, a look back at a chimney sweep who suffered with a horrible injury and the surgeon who helped him. There is certainly an Oliver Twist vibe to the book, and a slight dose of the ‘Florence Nightingale effect’. A wonderful read just like her new book.