Our author, Charlotte, was kind enough to write us a spooky and fun Halloween poem for this scary season, let us know down below your favourite spooky book!
When the nights are drawing in,
and the sun lays down its head,
the witches start to fly about
- you’re sleeping in your bed.
Did you know that witches
are there, behind the hill?
It’s autumn, they are gaining strength
to work for good or ill!
For autumn is the witches’ time,
it soon is Hallowe’en.
So witches practise all their tricks,
- invisible, unseen!
A baby witch was born one day
not seven years ago.
Her name was Lilith Countercross,
her skin as white as snow.
She has not been allowed before
to join the witches’ Dance.
All Hallow’s Eve, that is the time,
and now, this is her chance!
A young witch can’t fly very well
they learn in witches’ school.
they have to go like you each day
- it simply is the rule!
Lilith did this like the rest,
she quite enjoyed the class.
She worked so hard at flying tests
- she wanted so to pass!
And pass she did, dear Lilith.
She smiled a witchy grin,
her teeth were pointy sharp, her hair
so sparkling with rich jewels in!
The grownup witches roared and cheered
“You’re flying in our group!
We’ll whizz and fizz, our cats will shriek…
Such fun, we’ll loop the loop!
Now to be truly one of us
you must pass our test,
to enter as a real live witch
you must be of the best!
Either you must make a spell
better than we’ve got,
or find a human sacrifice
we might use or might not!
If you should see a window,
a window open wide,
a little child tucked up in bed,
just take it for a ride!
Then throw it and we’ll catch it,
by leg, or by the arm.
The child will think we’re going to miss,
kill it, do it harm!”
But witches never ever miss
upon their Night of Power.
This is the night they’ve waited for
- it is the Witches’ Hour!
Lilith flew next to her Gran
clutched her hand quite tight.
Soared up to the Milky Way
flew her broomstick right!
A curtain fluttered in the breeze
a twinkling of an eye.
- Lilith snatched a girl away
and flew into the sky.
“Don’t look or scream!”
our Lilith said, “Hang on, just let things be.
You can have so much more fun
if you will fly with me!”
Lilith’s Gran, whizzed by and said
“Well done, dear girl, she’s nice.
You’ve really done so very well,
she’ll be our sacrifice!”
The girl child clung to Lilith’s waist
“I do not want to die!”
I’d rather be a witch with you
and fly into the sky!”
“Oh great,” said Lilith, “It’s a fact,
a person must themselves
choose wizardry and sorcery
goblins, trolls and elves!
No-one else can make that choice.
no-one can but you.
You’ve made it, and we’ll be best friends,
forever, - just us two!
I’ll take you to my favourite place
where broom grows into sticks.
We’ll find the one that’s best for you
You’ll fly out of your fix!”
“I can’t,” our human girl child replied.
“I simply cannot fly.
If you make me, I will fall,
and then I’ll really die!”
“Oh no,” said Lilith. “You forget,
you are a girl no longer!
You’re one of us, a lovely witch
your flying will get stronger!
And now that you’ve become a witch
you’ll need another name.
Your human one just will not do
it cannot stay the same!
Some witches are called Hazel,
and others Amanita.
Personally, I’ve always thought
that Belladonna’s sweeter!”
“Belladonna Rainbow,
I think that’s who I’ll be.
A lovely lady from my dreams,
- that is the name for me!
I’ll be a witch like others,
a sister to you all.
To join the dance on Hallowe’en
for witches, great and small!”
Check out Charlotte's website here: https://charlotteswonderfulstories.wordpress.com/