Our author, Charlotte Sebag-Montefiore, was kind enough to write us two Christmas carols for the festive season. Let us know down below which is your favourite!
Carol 1
It may be hot and sunny,
it may be cold with frost.
You may have bought your presents
no matter what the cost.
Giving is what counts the most,
what is good and true.
Our Saviour came down to this earth
to give Himself to you.
To give to people who're in need,
- the sick, also the poor
to give Himself to you today
and also evermore.
So in your home, wherever,
Christ has come today
to point you down the path to take
and help you on your way!
Carol 2
Another Birth, another year,
it's Christmas time again
Our Saviour's come to be with us
with you and with all men.
So let us sing "Rejoice, rejoice
His special day is here
We will be glad for those we love,
we will be of good cheer!"
Celebrate with those we love,
and strangers at the gate
including those who are without
- alleviate their fate.
For Christmas time has come for all
-redemption, gladness, love.
Now, upon our Earth, today
not up somewhere above!
Check out Charlotte's website here: https://charlotteswonderfulstories.wordpress.com/