Here at Olympia we love hearing from our authors, getting an insight into their lives in writing and asking them what their advice would be to future authors. This week we had the pleasure of interviewing Tamara McWilliam about her book!





What has been your highlight of publishing so far?


It has been stress free. I have ‘self-published’ in the past meaning I have been responsible for all facets of publishing. This time has certainly been stress free. 



What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

Of all the books I have written, this has been the book I needed to research the most. Being based on a true story I spent many hours on many different occasions talking to the couple this book was based on as well as other community members alive at the time this book is set. Being set around World War two, it was also important to have my information surrounding actual events in history accurate.



How many hours a day do you write?

I love writing. I use it as a form of relaxation from my day job, so most of my writing time is late in the evening after everyone is sound asleep in my household. I try to write most nights and the time can vary (depending on how busy my day was at work) from two hours to several hours.



What period of your life do you find you write about most often? (child, teenager, young adult.)

I have written a few different age groups. My Willow Tree series primarily concentrates on Adult late 20’s-early30’s, My Mosconi series is young adult and Beneath the Snow of Gnojnik follows the characters from children through to old age.



What did you edit out of this book?

Due to this book being based on a true story there was one scene I edited out after Ruth, the lady the book was based on read through the first draft. It was very minimal but I needed to know both she and Joe, were comfortable with what I had written. It was only a very small scene that caused her to blush a little. 



Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

I always hide little secrets in my novels. I love putting little links in that some people close to me find and have a laugh over. I must admit there is also one secret in this book that only Ruth and I will ever know…



What was your hardest part to write?

I have known this couple my entire life and wanted to do their story justice. Unfortunately, Joe passed away before I completed the novel and he was never able to read the book. The hardest part was to continue writing it knowing he would never read it.



What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Oh, write your heart out! Love it, enjoy it and embrace it. Never stop. Reach for the stars and never measure yourself by someone else’s yard stick.



If you could review Olympia publishers in a few words, what would they be?

I have loved this experience. I have found Olympia to be very professional and so easy to deal with. I would highly recommend them. I know first-hand what is involved in the publishing journey as I have been a self-published author. They have made this journey for me so smooth and easy.



Check out their book, here!