Here at Olympia, we love hearing from our authors, getting an insight into their lives in writing and asking them what their advice would be to future authors. This week we had the pleasure of interviewing Peter Wright about his book. 


1)  How old were you when you first wrote something substantial?


I was 56 years old when I self-published a book that was substantial. Most people are far to busy to think about something that may take them a long time to write which can put any aspirations back until a certain time comes along when one is less busy.

I have found when completing this book that careful thought needed to be applied when writing for children. Children learn very quickly nowadays and don't realise how different it was in those days of my own childhood. Computers and tablets now rule their lives. By introducing strange words such as 'telepathic',

it makes it easier and more fun for children. Googling, therefore, has an educational value.


2) Did you ever have aspirations to become a writer?


Since the middle seventies, I began handwriting stories in my spare time. I finally self-published a book called, 'Devils in the cavern'. The only things that let it down were the front cover and the grammar. Grammar is important not only to publishers but to the general public who have to read the book. If I can get around to it I will re-edit the whole book and maybe give it another title, after all, I viewed this project as an exercise in writing since I was inspired to do so.


3) What is the best piece of advice you've received?


Understand your subject and characterisation of all your characters and essential features.


4) What advice would you give to an aspiring writer? 


Everybody has a story to tell so don't give up something that may well influence others to do the same. Keep editing until you think that you are there. At least three to four edits. Always research any factual evidence and take notice of what publishers demand when submitting your work.  


5) What did you find easiest and hardest about writing? 


The easiest aspect that I found when writing was the foundation of inspiration. It makes writing much more pleasurable. My hardest task is the actual viewing of my work since I am totally blind. Good software is therefore essential if you have eyesight problems. I also have a Guide dog to help me get around but new places can sometimes be quite a burden to have to deal with.


6) Was it faster to write your book or to have it published?


Short stories don't take too long to write but the proofreading and editing do. In my case I wrote another four short stories in the time it took to publish this book. A novel takes much longer and the publishing house was faster in their approach with my first book. 


7) What was your favourite part of your book to write?


When developing Teddy's character I used the practice of psychic element's in a slightly different manner.

His communications with his dad are on a telepathic link of minds which basically means that they talk to each other through their thought processing and not through their mouths. 


8) Do you have any plans to publish more work?


Yes as I have already stated, there are another four books ready for yet another edit. They include; Teddy's bone, Teddy and the fairy's, Teddy goes caving and Teddy and the dragon. 


9) If you could review Olympia Publishers in just a few words, what would they be? 


Olympia Publishers are a great way to get your work published, especially for first-timers.




Get yourself a copy of Peter's book, here!