We had the pleasure of interviewing author Kevin Boon. Kevin kindly shares his tips and what to expect during the book writing process.



Q - Hold old were you when you first wrote something substantial?


A - I was probably about 12 when I enjoyed some success by winning an English Composition Prize. It was always a strong point at school.


Q - Did you ever have aspirations to become a writer?


A - There was no tradition of writing in my family.  The aspiration to write developed when I joined the Literary Club at Teacher’s College. 


Q- What is the best piece of advice you’ve received and would give to an aspiring author?


A - With longer works try to write (say) two pages every day. Begin by reading and correcting what you wrote the previous day and then try to add two pages. Some days you may do more, other days you may do less, but by the end of a year you will have written over 700 pages!       


Q - What did you find easiest and hardest about writing?


A - The easiest is, having thought about what you intend to write, just letting it flow. The hardest is reading it and making changes and improvements.


Q - Was it faster to write your book or to have it published?


A - Anyone can write a book; very few can have it published.


Q - What was your favourite part of your book to write?


A - Thinking through to plot, or overall plan for the book.


Q - Do you have any plans to publish more work?


A - I am really looking forward to my next book: From the Colonies to Katherine Mansfield:-  The Life and times of Sir Harold Beauchamp. Many people know that he was the father of Katherine Mansfield, probably New Zealand’s best-known author but few know that he had an extremely interesting life that touched upon many of the major events of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. His story deserves to be told.


Q - If you could review Olympia Publishers in just a few words, what    would they be?


A - As a person who has written over 100 published books, won literary prizes and published about  half of the books myself,  I have been very happy with my association with Olympia Publishing and feel that their operation is legitimate and sound.



Grab youself a copy of Kevins book here!