Today we had the pleasure of interviewing Christa Edwards, author of two books with us. The first being The Zizi Stories and most recently They Call Me Barney. We wanted to speak to Christa today to learn how she writes, why she writes and any advice she can give to aspiring authors!
What genre is your book (They Call Me Barney)? And what drew you to that genre?
It is a children’s book and my grandchildren asked me to write the stories I used to tell them.
Were you good at English when you were at school?
Yes, I was always quite good in English, we had a wonderful teacher.
Do you ever have to do a lot of research before writing?
Not for the children’s book, they are based on my own experiences.
What made you sit down and put pen to paper?
I started writing, when I was on holiday on my own and carried it on at home on a PC.
Do you have a writing schedule?
I write, when I feel the urge, which is every day.
Where did your love of dogs come from?
My father kept hunting dogs and as a small child I spent a lot of time in the kennel.
How do your family feel about your books? Do your grandchildren read your work?
I am not quite sure, but I expect they like to see me busy. Not quite sure about that, maybe they are waiting to read them to their own children eventually.