Here at Olympia we love hearing from our authors, getting an insight into their lives in writing and asking them what their advice would be to future authors. This week we had the pleasure of interviewing Barton Williams about his book! 





What has been the biggest highlight in this journey so far?


Getting the final manuscript out after a long time working at it.



How much research did you do on this book?


A lot, it started with a short documentary made on my adoption story many years ago.



How many hours a day or week did you write?


How long is a piece of string? A difficult one to answer, I write every day, sometimes for 5 minutes, sometime for hours.



Did you edit anything out of this book?


Yes, we shortened this book down to make it more “child friendly”.



What was the first reaction you had when you held your book for the first time?


Proud as, a little emotional too. The front cover really took me back to my younger years!



What was the hardest part of the book to write?


To share about the Vietnam war without glorifying it and without scaring children.



What advice would you give to aspiring authors?


Never ever give up!



What is next for you, as an author?


I am awaiting more manuscripts to be approved and currently working on a playscript adaptation of this book.



What was your experience like with Olympia publishers?


A positive wave of communication.



Grab yourself a copy of Barton's book, here!