Here at Olympia we love hearing from our authors, getting an insight into their lives in writing and asking them what their advice would be to future authors. This week we had the pleasure of interviewing Alan Perrie about his new release, River Gold.
When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?
I decided that I had a story within me about 7 years ago. I have been a reader all my life and reading has inspired me.
Do you have any favourite books?
Yes, many. “Here I stand” by Roland Bainton deals with the controversial life of Martin Luther. The quality of English language is excellent. “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” by Shirer also excellent. “Israel and the Nations” by F.F. Bruce one of my favourites. “The Second World War,” by Churchill (series of 6) compelling. The Bible. John Grisham’s earlier novels. Wolf Hall.
What were some ideas for this book that you didn’t end up using?
Fire. Flood. Aboriginal massacre.
Where do you write from?
In my study at my computer.
Who are some of the authors that inspire you?
No single author.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Entertain my family. Played squash for many years but not any longer. Travel. Watch good TV. Enjoy my friends. Read.
When did you decide you wanted to look into the Indian rebellion against British rule?
Had contact with many Indian people as a child when living in Uganda. I have always had a distant interest in India since then.
Have you always been interested in history; we understand you have an interest in historical Christianity?
Yes, from school. My father was interested in history and I had an interesting history teacher at school. He had been a paratrooper during the WW2. He brought history to life. I especially enjoy the period of the Reformation in Europe and it’s aftermath in the Cromwellian period.
Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
No. Fiction is entertaining because characters can do the impossible and improbable.
Do you think a big ego would help or hurt writers?
I have no idea. I’m not a psychologist, probably more helpful than hurtful.
If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be?
I’m 72 so I’m not looking to start again. I am still engaged in managing 5 rental properties.
If you could review Olympia publishers in a few words, what would they be?
Cordial. Uncomplicated. Helpful.
Grab yourself a copy of Alan's new book, here!