Dorian Gray, a name well known in society today, for one impending reason. It was made famous, because of its infamous backstory.
The book was superbly written, with such a sense of natural charm and grace but finished by a feline lick, scratching the surface of every word he wrote- but it was the aftermath of the writing that made it so well known.

Tis’ a shame, you might say, that Oscar Wilde was scrutinised for his sexuality, and furthermore his imaginative and slightly graphic way of conveying his (uncommon to the 19th century) thoughts. Wilde’s incognito personality came across like a wildering rose in the middle of a dry desert. Never hiding his true self in his glorious scribblings- As he famously once said: “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person, give him a mask and he’ll tell the truth”- and boy, did he! Dorian Gray, possibly being his most publicised and famous piece of work, swirling with a dark, but fashionable gothic horror vibe and sprinkled with a well-hidden philosophic artery. A man obsessed with vanity and youth, swapping his soul for the prize of an eternal beauty and jejunity. A gift, or a curse? Though his poised tongue could wiggle his way into just about any dream scenario- appearing to the polite society- as a true gentleman, only his portrait bore the signs of his corruption.

Oscar Wilde was jailed for his apparent ‘sins’. During his imprisonment his health de-aerated, his death was near. It’s quite unnerving that such a flamboyant, delightful and truly astonishing man spend his last days in prison; being spat at by the public, literally. The only water falling near the man himself now are the tears of those touched by his work and the rain that falls on his commonly-visited grave.

Though Wilde is long gone physically, his spirit lives on in the pages of his writing, his plays and Dorian Gray.  This definitive edition giving an even closer incite to the man Wilde based his character upon, Lord Henry Wotton. Including contemporary review cursing the outstanding novel for its un-godly sinful inners.

For just a truly stunning piece of writing, it has an incredibly sad and infuriating backstory. Let’s just hope that Oscar is still baring his elegant dress-wear, glorious wit and a holding a cigarette where ever he is elegantly laying.