I was born during dark communism in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
My future life and prospects were determined forever by the forced decision imposed upon my father and his brother.
Both had fought Hitler's Fascism in the Czech Free Army, under British Command. They had survived six years as proud patriots, fighting for their homeland in various countries, and for freedom, everywhere.
They returned to their Prague intending to start life anew. With the handover of the country to Stalin and his repressive Communism, they both, with impassioned reluctance, sought to emigrate, together with their respective families, to leave behind yet another imposed totalitarianism.
The regime permitted only one family to leave, with just one suitcase.
Faced by this devastating reality, my father and his brother could find only one solution.
They tossed a fateful coin!
Two families were forever torn asunder.
One family visa was granted, for Australia.
From that very moment, my life and future, and that of my parents, was forever based on that toss of that coin.
My parents and I sailed to Melbourne as refugees.
My aunt, uncle and cousins remained for the next forty years, living under Communist tyranny.
I learnt English, finished my schooling, then four years of Visual Art studies, and with fearless optimism, started my first truly individual steps into my own life.
As a professional artist, I have a life endlessly enriched by extraordinary people, episodes, serendipity, and creativity, in many countries, living across borders of the world, exhibiting, with my works represented in many National, State, and Regional collections.
At the time of publishing, I am based in Prague.
** I have left an interesting quandary for the reader to discover, in FIFTY POEMS BY T. E. FANTL. Perhaps deliberately. Perhaps by chance.
Clue: Perhaps T. E. FANTL is ‘additionally' challenged?!